Sunday, 5 June 2011

Are you changing your life style to help combat global warming?

no, I%26#039;ve always had what others call a green lifestyle. I will warn people about being ripped off by everyone except oil companies. Oil companies profits are lower than microsoft, and GE. Exxon is the 17th largest oil company, its puny, but gets press from those that are anti evrything, the same that what you spend money at thier highest price energy sources.|||No.

I won%26#039;t change my lifestyle to change the temperature on Mars either, since it also is having global warming as well.|||No I changed my life style to keep from getting ripped off by the oil companies that are funding this AGW scam for higher profits. Follow the money and see who are the only ones with good profits right now and then you will know where the money to keep the scam going is coming from. Global warming is caused by solar activity period. From the 1850s through 1940 we had a noticeable warming fueled by a spike in sunspots. The warmest year here was 1934, which was cooler than the average during the MWP. Then through the 40s and 50s it cooled a little bit as Co2 levels rose dramatically. It warmed slightly in the early 60s and then cooled again in the 70s bringing on the great Hansen鈥檚 first appearance on the world stage promoting Co2 as a global cooling gas that was going to drive the world into the next ice age and starve or kill most of the worlds population.

Then just as this was getting off the ground the sun spot activity jumped again and things started warming up again. So on the advice of Al Gore Mann and Hansen rewrote their whole scenario to match his alarmist book and altered the NASA temperature records to coincide with Co2 levels. This heating period ended in about 2000 with the hottest year of the cycle in 1998 well below the 1934 record year. Since then low solar activity has allowed cooling to set in and real scientists are watching carefully to see what direction temperatures are going to do. Recently Hansen, Gore and some of the other alarmists have admitted to 20 years or more of cooling before it starts warming again, but they at this point are guessing the same as anybody else!

|||No, i chanced my lifestyle to help the environment, When we start taking care of the Environment the Global Warming will take care of its self.

|||I don%26#039;t think i will. only because where i live, sunny california, there are things called seasons.4 of them. and right now its summertime. soon its gonna be fall. then winter. spring and summertime all over again. i will still drive over the speed limit, burn my fireplace when its cold, waste energy by leaving my house doors and windows open with the air conditioner on, and leave my sprinklers on overnight.|||I am considering an air conditioner|||No. It%26#039;s already too late. Read Lester Brown%26#039;s %26quot;Plan B%26quot; and Ronald Wright%26#039;s %26quot;A Short History of Progress.%26quot; Or for that matter, read any United Nations document on the subject. Trust me. We%26#039;re doomed. There are just too many people on the planet.|||No , the planet will warm if it wants to , you are helpless to stop it . |||I don%26#039;t drive a car, so that helps. I am also lately taking a shower every other day and cutting the midday meal out of my diet on some days. This also helps keep my weight down. |||NO

|||No, I am not. Are the stars changing their output to save the universe?|||No, why should I change anything to solve a nonexistent problem?|||Nope. Just changing to help my wallet.