Sunday, 5 June 2011

How do you go about changing your attitutude about life?

I%26#039;ve been feeling negative about things. I can%26#039;t seem to change this mindset. Are there any techniques to improve your mood, attitude and state of happiness? I figure life is way too short to feel down so much.|||whenever you are feeling particularly down, try thinking of the things in life for which you are grateful. i watched this movie the other day about just this sort of thing.(called %26quot;the secret%26quot; you should maybe look it up). this guy kept a rock in his pocket at all times and whenever he saw/felt it he thought about the things in life he really appreciated. try that. the most important thing to do is to stop these emotions as they are happening. whenever someone pisses you off, breath for a minute, let it go. realize that this is a small part of what could ultimately be a great day. it takes some time to calm yourself down and to recognize that you are in your funk, but in time, if you really want to change, you will.|||You%26#039;re yourself. You really have to just do it.|||you only really get one chance. One life. and thats it. Of course you dont want to remember it with sadness or lost hope. Its good to be that way though, SOMETIMES.

Here%26#039;s what i do.

be grateful for everything.

thank God [if you believe in him] for everyday you wake up and theres not a gun pointed at your face, or youve just been robbed.

Give a stranger an unexpected smile.

Sing a song from your childhood.

Pick up a random flower and smell it.

See the good in the bad..

always hope that theres something better out there.

a cup is half full more than it can be half empty.

i hope this is making sense.

Talk to someone who can make you laugh and smile.

=D i have a best friend that can make you laugh at eveything so i spend most of the time talking to him.

Hope i helped. best of luck.|||You already are on your way to change it since you realize it, good for you|||Try this. I am planning on trademarking this saying. %26quot;Hope for the best and expect the worst.%26quot; It means that there is a positive and negative side to everything. You must see both sides and remain balanced in order to function properly.|||Never mind what your mind feels at the moment - but do try to work out what is troubling you in your heart. The heart reacts to stimulus and the rate of heartbeat will determine the degree and intensity pumped to produce chemical release of emotional responses in brain. Neutralise head thoughts with mantra of random nothing sounds like 0010010100111 etc. This will give the heart a chance to stabilise from the negative feedback in the brain and the you can work on making it feel happier.|||Change is the nature of life. Even perspective moves in circles.|||Yes...I changed mine for the better...and it works...

Choice: You%26#039;re %26quot;choosing%26quot; to feel negative by %26quot;choosing%26quot; to feel;re %26quot;focusing%26quot; on negative sides to everything...

I stopped reading about Iraq killings everyday, and started reading only humorous or %26quot;fun%26quot; things...helped a lot with my %26quot;attitude...%26quot;

I watch The Comedy Channel diligently everyday...The Discovery Channel, and I read humor books, humorous authors, humorous movies, humorous music, humor everything...

You can choose positive or negative...Why are you choosing %26quot;negative?%26quot; There%26#039;s a humorous side to my grandmother%26#039;s funeral, instead of being gloomy about her death, we joked about how %26quot;fun%26quot; she was when she lived...We focused on the %26quot;positive...%26quot; It can be done...but it takes a greater effort to focus on the positive...our default state as mortally doomed lifeforms is %26quot;negative...%26quot; %26quot;Positive%26quot; takes a major effort...If you don%26#039;t extend an %26quot;effort%26quot; toward that goal...the default state of %26quot;negative%26quot; will take over your life...speaking from experience, here...not reciting out of some self-help manual...

Trust me...deliberately make it a point to %26quot;choose%26quot; positive things...

And you attitude will change for the better in no time...(I%26#039;m not suggesting to be %26quot;Susie Sunshine%26quot; all the time, I%26#039;m suggesting to...

Stop being %26quot;Polly Party-Pooper%26quot; all the time...get it?!? lets You and I, get it on, baby! (LOL...but you see my last sentence is an example of %26quot;spinning%26quot; things in the right direction)|||Change your attitude, change your life.

Life is hard. Life is Difficult. Life is Pain. Life is Loss

Les a le%26#039; bon temps roule%26#039;

Let the good times role|||Before you start commenting on something take 5 minutes think it over, then maybe you will have a different out look on it.

Try consurning with things that just effect you and you alone, not work, or people in you neighborhood.

Write yourself notes and leave them places you will find them.. %26quot;today is a good day to be happy.%26quot; %26quot;today I will think of only good things to think about%26#039; %26quot;today no one will make me unhappy%26#039;. Things like that..|||Yes, there is always a way around things, in your case, just be aware of your negative thought/atitutudes. Just remember, no matter what happens, life goes on; if you had a choice (and trust me you do) why not live your life positively; be aware of those negative liquid thoughts and stop them in their tracks be4 they flood your mind!|||yes. go to a mall alone, spend time to yourself going to some %26quot;natures,%26quot; and love yourself|||This is very simple.

Stop trying.

Start beginning.

Feel every emotion and experience everything.|||Hi.

There are many different ways to go about changing your attitudes about life.

Some ways are simple ways, and some ways take hard work. Some ways can help change things quickly, while other ways may take a long time before you see any real changes.

If you are going through a phase where things seem up in the air, %26amp; you feel lost, sometimes this short prayer helped me a lot: it is called The Serenity Prayer:

God, grant me the serenity

to accept the things I cannot change,

the courage to change the things I can,

And the wisdom to know the difference.

A friend who went to a 12-step program gave me that prayer, and it does help me focus on things more clearly. I use it to this day.

Sometimes, we get stuck %26amp; our emotions are a bit overwhelmed. Then it is often helpful to go to therapy to work things out. It may be short-term therapy, or it may require a lengthy amount time. But you can gain much insight into why you are feeling the way you do, at this time of your life.

At other times, keeping a journal is very helpful. It allows you to spend time thinking about how %26amp; why you feel the way you do. You can allow your thoughts to flow freely %26amp; sort out what feelings are truly based on reality %26amp; which are just emotions. Feelings aren%26#039;t facts.

Another helpful way to work things out is to use meditation. It allows you to get completely relaxed. Then you can try to talk to yourself about how you feel. Then, try to clear your mind %26amp; just let your thoughts %26amp; feelings flow through you. Don%26#039;t worry if you keep thinking at first; it takes practice to stop trying to %26quot;figure out%26quot; what%26#039;s going on.

One type of philosophy asserts that life is suffering, %26amp; that all suffering comes froms our desires. Stop desiring things, %26amp; the suffering will end. To an extent, I agree with this, but not totally.

I did stop desiring things that would make me look better in the eyes of other people 鈥?that did bring me peace. Once I started living for myself, I felt content. Also, when I stopped looking outside of myself for things to make me feel fulfilled, I also felt more peace.

True harmony can only come from inside you. If you are looking for things outside you, for example, a man in your lifr to %26quot;complete%26quot; you, or a fancier job, you won%26#039;t feel any better. I do not mean to imply that you ARE doing these things; I only mean IF you are. You don%26#039;t indicate any of that in your question, so I would guess you are not doing those things.

For me, what helps the most, is my strong belief in God. I am a Christian, although I certainly respect %26amp; love those who are not. I%26#039;m not saying you should believe what I do; I am merely sharing what I believe in, what brings me peace.

I start %26amp; end my day with both prayer %26amp; meditation. This fills me with a strong sense of peace %26amp; allows me to go through the day feeling that peace.

Having a pet also alters my state of mind. I have 2 cats, and they bring me great joy. I love them so much, and they love me, unconditionally.

Another way to help improve both your mood %26amp; attitude is to do volunteer work. It doesn%26#039;t need to take much time out of your week. I worked full-time, plus I went to college after work %26amp; on Saturdays. However, I always made sure that I had some type of volunteer work. This allowed me to step out of my own life/mind %26amp; think %26amp; focus on others who were needing help.

Altruism is never completely altruistic, %26amp; that%26#039;s OK. When the intent is to help others, it%26#039;s certainly OK to feel good about it. How could someone not?

I once worked as a Reader to people who were blind. This only took up 2 hours of my week, but I DID help people. I DID stop dwelling on myself as much, %26amp; I DID feel good about it. There were many different volunteer jobs over the years, but I always made sure I had one. Except for the one I mentioned, most volunteer work requires 4 hours a week 鈥?certainly not too much, even with a busy schedule.

The last thing I wanted to mention was your state of happiness. When I became truly content in life was about 1987-88, when I realized the Truth. I realized my mistake was in TRYING to be HAPPY all the time. It isn%26#039;t possible!

What I realized was that life was like an imaginery straight line called Contentment. THAT was where I needed to be! Along this line (life), there were peaks of Happiness that I could take great pleasure in. There were also these valleys of Sadness that I had to deal with. However, these peaks %26amp; valleys were always transient, fleeting. After experiencing them, I would return to the line of contentment that was life. I hope this makes sense to you.

Anyway, I have given you many ideas, some of which may be right for you, while others may not be. I hope I have offered you some help. You are IS way too short to feel down so much.

I wish you the best of luck, %26amp; I wish you contentment, with many peaks %26amp; few valleys.
