Has it changed you? Did you make a life change? Did you take up a new activity? Changed job? Got rich? Made peace with your mom or your dad? Fiction or non-fiction let me know.
Besides the Bible, what is the one book that completly changed your life?
Greek Mythology by Edith Hamilton..
Read it in 5th grade and have been fascinated by mythology ever since. I had two cats (as a teen) and named them after greek gods (Zeus and Cupid) and recently named my youngest son Troy. Of course it helped that Brad Pitt starred in the movie!
Besides the Bible, what is the one book that completly changed your life?
Tha Greatest Salesman in the World
It's a must read
By OG Mandino
My passport.
It allowed me to travel and expand my mind.
This is going to get me a lot of negative votes, but ONE of the books that changed my life (besides the bible of course) is The Book of Mormon. I also like %26quot;The Blind Assassin%26quot; By Margaret Atwood. That's my favorite book.
to kill a mockingbird
Jane Eyre. What it tought me was that no matter how creul life and people can be, there is a way to perserve through it all. It just gave me a completely different outlook on life.
Ooh, good question... X3
I'd say in fiction, it's The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand instead of the Bible (irony...Anyways...).
This book confirmed that I was not the only person who felt that when people destroy something, it's not out of virtue or because that something harmed people.
People destroy things so that they get their way. 'Slay the demon, get your way' is what civilizations have always done to be successful. And I hated this saying.
Ayn Rand was also against it and she changed my feelings of aloneness and depression with this book.
%26quot;The Purpose Driven Life%26quot; by Rick Warren. It made me realize that God is not here for us. We are here for Him.
I wouldn't say they completely changed my life, but two books there are two books that impacted me pretty strongly. East of Eden, by John Steinbeck, made me realize how truly responsible I am for myself and the choices I make. Siddhartha, by Herman Hesse, helped me realize that we must love all people, and that life is truly a journey. Both are fiction, and neither made me change my life, but certainly changed the way I looked at it.
Love by Leo Buscaglia and The Promise by Danielle Steele. Read both when I was in my teens. Made me realize we are here to love each other and nothing else.
%26quot;The Great Gatsby%26quot; ---- after reading it (and having my English teacher Dad explain it to me) I decided to become an English major. Favorite book of all time: %26quot;To Kill A Mockingbird%26quot;. Both are fiction. Mockingbird made me think about justice....and a lot more.
oh so many.
Keep Going by John Marshall III
Change or Die - i forget the author its german
A MILLION LITTLE PIECES because it is a brutal story of a mans six weeks in a rehab facility ( warning: Very Mature )
Keep Going because it taught me no matter what obstacles come into your way just keep going no matter how tired you get just keep going no matter how others criticise you just keep going. very great read
Change or Die- its just a good damn book
Shattered Chain by Marion Zimmer Bradley helped me get through my divorce.
There were many books that changed my life, but one of them stood out the most.
1. Night-by Elie Weisel
That book most definitely changed my life because it made me realize what racism could do to someone. By being Jewish, I could never have imagined what people actually went through during the Holocaust.
Although I am not alcoholic, the book %26quot;Alcoholics Anonymous%26quot; has absolutely changed my life and everything about me. It is a blueprint for improving your life and is written in layman's language. Heartwarming and powerful.
harry potter- it improved my english and reading
to kill a mockingbird- at first i was bored but it drew me in.
taught me life isn't lovey-dovey ****
The Kama Sutra. Need I say more?
The first book that really made an impact on me was Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer, it is about overcoming abuse. The other one was The Purpose Driven Life by Warren. Made me think about what I'm supposed to be doing here on the planet and what my talents are and how they can help other people.