Friday, 7 October 2011

How has Harry Potter changed your life?

How has he changed your life. He has given me a chance to escape in a world filled with magic and friendship. I fell as like most harry potter fans do, i connect effortlessly with the characters and long so much for it to be real. Please give your thoughts and if your a die hard Harry fan, add me as a contact!
How has Harry Potter changed your life?
It has always been an escape, you know?

It's real for me it made me smile, cry, laugh and fall in love. Even if it's comming to an end soon not just the books but the movies too I'm sure I'm gonna make my kids read and waych the movies. I'm so effin' a HP die hard fan I'm getting the Deathly Hallows simbol tattoed on my neck soon :)
How has Harry Potter changed your life?
Given me Potter Puppet Pals.
As much as a fantasy book would change someone's life.

It made me look white 'n' nerdy.
I cried when I didn't get my hogwarts letter in my 11th birthday. Greatest series ever!!!
Harry Potter made me be who I am. At one point in my life I stopped watching it because all my friends thought it was nerdy, but now that I'm older I say who cares.
When I was reading harry potter, I always felt the wishing to be in that world, and how it would be so much better than this one.

Best book series ever and I won't forget it.
Joseph Campbell in his book, A Hero With a Thousand Faces, would liken Harry Potter to the lives of many other famous heroes and world leaders such as Jesus and Buddah.

How has H. P. changed my life?

I'm a fan of J.K. Rowling, but didn't get around to reading the series until after I took a Children's Literature class in graduate school. My younger sister, friends, mother, and even Godmother read the entire Potter series before I even read the first book. After having read the entire series, watching the movie versions are incomparable, yet visually stunning. Books are so much better and more detailed than movies, but movies are relaxing and entertaining.

Rowling breathed new life into the world of children's literature, and hopefully, someday my kids will enjoy the Harry Potter books as much as I did but at an earlier age.
dude, I loved the harry potter series, but the only thing that changed my life was getting excited for the next book or movie :)
Just used up a lot of my time when I read it and then re-read it many more times. But it was well worth the reading.
it helped me confront my fears, find my inner strength and to do what's right in the face of advercity.
It made me want to read more.
well, because I read Harry potter I no longer have to get up if I want to get something. I can just say %26quot;Accio%26quot; and it comes to me! Without Harry Potter, I would never have learned that spell.
Harry Potter changed me by giving me a whole new world to look into. The books taught me important lessons in life like lost loved ones will always be beside you and friends might bail on you, but eventually they come back. I read the 5th Harry Potter Book (Order of the Phoenix) in one week total. I couldn't stop reading it because it was so interesting and I always wanted to know what happened next. I hope you enjoy my opinion.
It got me into reading again!
I relate to you completely. It's given me a whole world to escape to. I fall in love with the characters, and I cry when they die. I've wished for it to be real many times, and for me, it sort of is real. It's showed me what really matters in life.
I felt like I belonged somewhere. I hate my town and don't fit in at all. Harry Potter makes me forget all of that and escape from reality.
JK Rowling and Harry Potter made reading exciting and fun. When i was about the age of 9 and 10, reading wasn't cool, but when i found Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone i couldn't put it down. I got excited for new books and when i found out they would make it into a film. If it wasn't for JK Rowling and Harry Potter i don't think i would be who i am today. I love reading and literature, and i don't see how i could if i'd never found these books :)
Apart from the obvious, such as giving me something to fangirl over and a magical world to escape into, Harry Potter has also changed me on a deeper level.

Despite being fiction, Harry Potter is actually a very educational series. Not only does it encourage young boys and girls to read, but it also teaches them about the value of friendship and of love and family, and also intelligence, loyalty and bravery. Harry Potter has taught me not to fear death. There are also quite a few very good quotes from the books, such as Dumbledore's %26quot;It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live,%26quot; that have helped and inspired me.

Harry Potter was the series that initially got me interested in literature, reading and writing, and I am forever thankful to Jo for that.

Plus, it has also given me quite a few new friends, as we have little difficulty bonding over our love for the series.