Author Chris Cleave asks, %26quot;What five books have made you YOU?%26quot; And I ask the same. What five books have changed your life, and WHY?
What five books have changed your life?
Phantom of the Opera and Lolita showed me the darker side of love. The Zombie Survival Guide taught me how not to become food. Who Moved My Cheese? helped me deal with change. Fern Gully opened my eyes to the beautiful and wonderful world of Sci-fi and Fantasy.
What five books have changed your life?
the bible
the fountainhead
the perks of being a wallflower
a clockwork orange
a catcher in the rye
cause they gave me different
The Boy Called %26quot;it%26quot;
the sequal... I forget the name... but those are the two books that changed my life
Stephen kings The shinning because i makes me wonder if what i see is the truth every time i look at something strange.
Blue moon from the immortals series because when a guy stood me up it make me think that it isn't him its something that posseces him.
The vampire acadamy because it makes me see the evil in everything and it has taught me that everything someone does to you is able to be used against them.
Dead until dark because it has showed me that if my love is true it doesn't matter what other people think.
The black tatoo because the girl is stronger than the guys because she has never given in so it makes me want to keep training hard
1)the hunger games (makes me think)
2)wake (is there really more to life?)
3)catching fire ( hunger games baby)
4)fade ( it touches your heart)
5)gone (love really does matter)
these are my 5 and how it changed me
The bible
rainmaker by John Grisham
Atonement Child by Francine rivers
animorphs series by A.P. Applegate
the oath by Frank peretti
Lord of the Rings (1-3)
Trojan War
Red Wall
They opened up my mind, and I discovered meanings and morals within everyday life. Love,hope, faith, family, friendship. Plus the black side of it: treachery, lies,killing,malice and irony. Through all these words I learned life lessons that aided me up to this day. One can always learn a life shifting thing from picking up bided pages, ink, and a cover.
Only one book comes to mind immediately as it has been fairly recent. A New Earth.
It changed the very way I feel, the way I look at life and moments, the way I understand people, and Myself. The way I think about Consciousness (or God). It talks about the Ego and it was super enlightening. Things just started clicking in my mind. Language is simple and absolutely profound. I bow to Eckhart Tolle. This was truly a mind changing, heart changing, and life changing book for me.
God Loves Laughter by William Sears
Apparently my parents weren't the only one who struggled to explain religion, God, and faith to their children. This is a great book telling one man's search for answers from boyhood to adult, and how's his life changed, grew, and enhanced with his understanding of life.
There is a great line in that book that I tell myself everyday, live by it, hold it dear: When a character went to a town meeting, he moved his chair out of alignment. He explained %26quot;Rebel in the little ways, just so the Ba***rds know I haven't given up.%26quot;
When all hope is lost, when the fight seems over, I scoot my chair out of alignment. Just so they know...
The Hidden Words by Bahaulla (sorry if I spelled his name wrong)
Inpsiration, hope, faith, God's love, guidance, support, connection... Just a few words a day gets the mind going and the heart warmed up.
Amy Lee's Journal by Heather Duncan
Inspirational piece written by a nine year old girl, read on tape as a vocal journal of a little girl and her rag tag group who survived an armagedon sort of attack by terrorists. They have to make their way from LA to Alaska, surviving natural and unnatural dissastors, dicovering and, sometimes, fighting off other survivors, and, the whole time, waving the flag as a beacon to others that as long as one person knows freedom, terrisom will never defeat USA.
The real neat thing is she wrote it nearlly 20 yrs BEFORE 9-11.
(I read it everyday and, when asked, I go and forgot the name) By Bob White
It is a collection of articles Bob White wrote giving little windows into life in the early 1900's. It was a type of writing that inspired me, lit my imagination, encouraged me to find a way to draw a picture using the written words. One great line in it explained when he saw the first TV at the World Fair, that he looked into this tiny hole and it was like a %26quot;window to the else where.%26quot;