Wednesday, 26 October 2011

What happened and changed your life?

I'd like to hear some interesting experiences of people who got through something and got their life changed. %26quot;A day in your life when something happened and changed it%26quot; something like that :) thanks.
What happened and changed your life?
I have a sort of collection of events that added up to change my life. They didn't happen to me, but they happened to my sister, sophie, so it still affected me.

My sister's ex boyfriend is like mentally unstable and he used to beat her, and I knew what a dick he was but my parents wouldnt believe me, then one day he went crazy and tried to kill my sister with a knife. Luckily his friend was there to hold him back so that sophie could get out the house and drive off. Then my sister went back to him (she loved him and kept forgiving him for his anger outbursts- her biggest mistake) and she left him and kept going back to him in secret. It pretty much tore our family apart and her and mum were constantly fighting and sophie kept getting kicked out the house to live with him - but then he'd beat her and she'd want to leave for real but had nowhere to go. So she stayed with friends and eventually mum forgave her and she said sorry and came to live with us again, but mum suspected that she was still seeing him. After that, he rang about twenty times a day and hung up if anybody but sophie answered. My whole family got restraining orders and stuff and the court ordered him to stay away but he must have bbrieched it about 50 times but the police just didn't do anything (justice, eh?) and then one day he called soph and was crying on the phone (deathday of his graddad) and he wanted soph to come visit at him at his grave one last time and talk things out, then he'd never call again. sophie went down there, and then he beat her and he pressed and kneeled on her stomach (she was pregnant) to try and kill the baby. Then he tried to hang her, but she managed to talk her way out of it and say she still loved him and shed leave the family to be with him. So he idiotically agreed and he said he'd kill the family if she went to police. Obviously, she did and then there was always police coming around our house and all this court stuff and junk, and then chris STILL kept calling and the police didn't even register them half the time. then one day, chris left a suicide note that his mum found (court made him stay at his mum's on bail... i know! the stupid judge gave him bail !!) and it said he was going to burn our house down with us all in it before he killed himself. and then the police couldnt find him for days and the whole family was paranoid and mum was crying all the time, then they finally caught him and he was put into jail for a bit pleading insanity. AGAIN, the police let him go on bail, and he stays a while away from us in the city now, and apparently he's really loopy and has lost it now. But the good thing is, it changed my life for the better. It REALLY brought our family together, especially my sister. She was shut away from the family and always in fights with mum while with Chris, but now she's properly part of the family again. I'm writing a book on this whole thing as well, so wish me luck with that. ^_^
What happened and changed your life?
when someone who was very close 2 me left me and didn't look back...

left me with was so painful and i was sooo stupid...

at this moment my life and my way of thinking has thoughts has become more mature and religious.

i prayed to God to help me and he did.

now i'm thanking God for everything happened to me even if it was painful.
my parents took me out of school in the seventh grade and decided to homeschool me im like damn i cant even get a middle school prom my whole life changed and theres nothing i can do about it

its been so hard finding friends my old friends arent friends anymore their just old friens ive completely lost my mind and everyday my life gets worse because its the same routine every single day one after another and even if i had friends there would be nothing to talk about because i do nothing every day