Has anyone ever said or have you ever read something that profoundly changed your life? What was it?
Have you ever been told something that changed your life?
You are looking at things the wrong way. Everything affects us in some way. It may seem that a profound statement affects your life in some grand way... but it is everything that impinges on us that profoundly changes our life.
Someone asks you to throw away a piece of paper on the floor. You do so and your life is invariably altered by that one small action. By taking the time to throw away that paper, you are 2 seconds slower getting to your car and entering traffic. You end up missing the fatal car collision that would have crippled you had you never touched that piece of paper.
Still, to answer your question the way you worded it... I would say reading, %26quot;The Selfish Gene%26quot; by Richard Dawkins had the biggest affect on my life in the past 4 years. It changed me from Deism/Agnosticism to Atheism. It changed my entire worldview.
Have you ever been told something that changed your life?
Just Keep doing it.
Yes my mom that no matter how sick you get keep fighting. Also my sister who has MS tells me not to give up.
two books - Walden by Thoreau and Sun Also Rises by Hemmingway - shaped the kickass and groovy guy that I am today!
yes...its a boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I was young I was told that my father had died. That changed my entire life.
%26quot;I'm pregnant!%26quot;
Yes me and my mother had problems and when she died my friend told me that i could love her now and wouldnot get hurt anymore realy changed my life
yes the words your fired greatly effects your life. or the words you are under arrest. or the words we are over. or the words I'm pregnant.
Lead, Follow, or get out of the way
Yes, the Bible. :-D
You're pregnant!
You're pregnant.!?
Yes, when my ex-boyfriend broke up with me it devastated me. It changed who I am.
Yup went something like this, %26quot;Don't drive alone at night with just a permit, cause next time we'll bring ya in.%26quot;
Yes. I think it was Oprah who said %26quot;live your best life%26quot; and %26quot;live your lives consciously%26quot;. It's so cheesy and pathetic to quote Oprah but I think what she said was important to live by in this period of media manipulation, capitalism, and bad influences. We should make life choices consciously and with purpose, and not do something just because we were pressured to or if it's hip or trendy or whatever.
yes, when the doctor told me I would never be able to see again!
They told me
%26quot;you will be lucky if you even amount to beyour fat and ugly%26quot;
that has motivated me to become everything that they put in front of me as goal
Yes. At 31 weeks pregnant: %26quot;You're two centimeters dialated. This isn't false labor.%26quot;
I was talking to my mentor about my dad, and he was like, %26quot;No, Luke. I am your father!%26quot;
yes, %26quot;would you ever marry a guy like me?%26quot;
Yes, We all have... Our family and society that builds our knowledge and retention of our personal vocabulary. In other words... us being able to talk... is our lives being changed by what we are told. However, metaphisically, yes... I was told once that freedom is greater than pride. If i ever done half the things i wanted to out of pride, id probably be in jail or not alive any more.
%26quot;You do not have to live the next six days, six weeks, six months, or six years of your life RIGHT NOW.
WHAT is wrong with RIGHT NOW?%26quot;
%26quot;Live life just for today, just for right now.%26quot;
I was told that my cousins children needed a home and now I have 2 beautiful daughters.
Changed my life for ever, for the better.
too many things!
my life changes profoundly every day possibly every second!
just open my eyes!
but maybe the best advice i ever got was
No, but a few books came close to it.
Crime and Punishment
War and Peace
%26quot;Billions of your tax dollars go to pay for illegal aliens' use of your social services.%26quot;
For sure. I was told that life is about just showing up. Effort means alot. I also read that when you wake up you should thank your %26quot;higher power%26quot; for that day, and all of the opportunites that will come your way, and they will come! I read that you can control your own destiny by what you say and think.
yea...U may never get to see ur niece Kairi agian....IT MADE ME CRY! T_T
Yes. I was told that I am a failure and should give up what i was aspiring for. It was terrible, you know. But then i stood up, explored ways of achieving my goal, made a sound strategy, followed a routine, and put in a lot of labour. Ultimately, what i got was more than what i had aspired for. Crux was, keep your spirit alive and don't lose focus. Being labelled as a failure changed my life.