Has something happened to you that changed your life, and your whole outlook on life? What was it, and are you pleased it happened?
Have you ever had a life changing experience?
I was always a woman who thought that I had things under control and that I did what was right and best. I was morally superior, intellectually superior, physically superior, etc.
When my oldest daughter turned to drugs and prostitution and crime and I couldn't do anything more about it, I started to crumble inside. I lost my job, my husband admitted to cheating for years, we lost our house and had to become very tight with money and had to live in a trailer, a subsequent divorce, new job, new man, new house, new city, new look, new hobbies, new diet, new friends - ALL in one year.
I learned to be kind and not to judge others. I learned patience and faith. I learned gratitude and how to be humble. I learned so many of life's basic lessons from that very bad period. I learned that I could love my daughter even though I hate her activities and lifestyle. I learned to let God see me through the things that I can't handle and to leave my life up to him. I learned to see the inner beauty of people instead or looking at what kind of car they drive, their clothes, vacations, home, etc.. I learned to give back for all of the kindnesses that people did for me when I thought I would break.
I think that I found out some very good things about myself and about life. A beautiful day never goes by without me thanking God for it. When I am not feeling worried or stressed, I praise God for the relief. I learned to be patient and forgiving of myself and others.
I'm not exactly glad I had this epiphany, but it did change my life. It gave me courage and insight. I am richer for it in so many ways though and I definitely received more than I lost.
Have you ever had a life changing experience?
I got sober in 1987, and it changed everything about how I function.
My Walk to Emmaus (look it up) was the most recent life altering experience for me. It really showed me God's grace and love for me in my life and gave me the confidence to be a strong person.
after watching the %26quot;Peanut Butter Jelly Time%26quot; video, i promised myself I'd never, ever smoke weed.
Yes. Skydiving! Totally!
getting pregnant. it's trippy. i figure the only thing that will top this is actually having my child.
No, not really that I could recall. Why?
Yes, high school happened to me. I had a pretty easygoing life last year in middle school. Now, it's all stressful. No, I'm not exactly pleased.
born rich, now poor,
no i aint pleased, but i`ll be back, big time babe
yeah, i saw someone blow there head off with a shotgun. It made me realize that anything can happen at any point of your life so you just have to be ready for it. and no i'm not pleased it happened
My life changed when I met the Lord Jesus, I was an alcohol and drug abuser, my life was filled with guilt, I felt like sh** all the time, then my saviour found me and changed my life. I no longer touch drugs, very rarely drink alcohol, and no longer feel guilty. I still find life difficult sometimes, but I have a forever friend who loves me and cares for me no matter what.
I have had two... The births of my children and my divorce. I am very happy about the births of my children.
My divorce I am not upset about.... Not going to say I am pleased about it. But I okay with the fact that it happened and I do think we are both better off. :-)
Both events have totally changed the outlook on my life and I think I am a better person for both in the long runs.
Some are too personal to name here, but going out of the United States for the first time was a turning poing in my life.
Yes, it changed my outlook on life. Yes. I was pleased.
I went to India in 1998 to help with the National Immunization against Polio - in the worlds largest slum - in Mumbai.
It covers 125 sq miles. The people try so hard with so little and always have a smile for you. I realized then our fortunate I was and now I do my best to make a difference for someone everyday.
9/11 was a life changing experience for me. In that one moment all I could think was the line from the Star Wars movie where the character says %26quot;it was if a million voices cried out at once%26quot; after the enemy destroyed a whole planet. In that one moment I felt tied to every person in my country and the sick feeling that came over me connected to me to everyone who saw it happen live. The second plane drove me to my knees as I began to comprehend that my country was under seize. I have felt angry ever since. My tolerance for Muslims sank to an all-time low and even now I struggle to not feel hatred and distaste for people who treat women and children in ways I will never agree with. I lost what innocence I had left, so no, I'm not pleased it happened.
Yes, to be told you have a life threatening condition which still exists, but 10 years on I still enjoy life......I'm old enough (but not that old yet) to have saved for that rainy day. Now I'm spending it.
Luckily I was old enough to have seen my daughters married and to have had a good life. All part of lifes rich tapestry. Yes I am pleased it happened or I wouldn't have done the things I've done or been the places I've been. Not everything is negative
I went to World Youth Day back in 1993. It was my first time away from home, and I did not know anyone when I left to go to Colorado. I ended up with a larger group of friends, and the experience of meeting fellow Roman Catholics from around the world, and having seen Pope John Paul II. My experience there led me to apply to only Catholic colleges. I graduated from a catholic college with my bachelors degree, and also attended another catholic school with the goal of obtaining my masters. The experience brought me back into touch with my faith. It has changed my perspective on life, and was a positive experience. I am very pleased I was sponsored and able to go on this trip.
The most recent life changing event was my former relationship. I never thought I would ever fall in love with someone, and I did. I ended up dropping out of grad school to be with him. My experience when I was with him and since we broke up has changed my personality and my dreams for my future. There were both positive and negative aspects of the relationship.
yes several. And I hope they keep coming. Most of my life changing experiences involve a person who has opened my eyes to their world and I really love the trip...til they move on....usually are just friends or ex's, etc.
At age 5, my father died of AIDS. I would be a completely different person if that never happened. I grew up with his spirit in me, and because of it, I matured quickly. Unfortunately, I had to watch my Mom age alone, which also had a profound affect. Now she has cancer, and I am fearful that she has not lived her life the way she wanted.
Unfortunately people learn or start learning with bad experiences. I am not different. I was mother and father since I was 27 years old. Me and my twins kid were so happy and lucky, because we had each other. But, one afternoon, when my son, now 27 years old, tried kill himself jumping from a high bridge, I realized that life is too short, living is a gift from heaven and that everything is possible when you have and give love. My son is alive, happy and healthy.
Well, as a matter of fact, yes. Thanks for asking.
I met a preacher on a construction job years ago and he began to tell me about Chapter 2 of Acts and how he had received the Holy Ghost just like it was described in the scriptures. I thought he was nuts but I ended up going to a Bible study with him just to shut him up. Before it was over that night I was sitting on the couch in front of a bunch of strangers weeping like a baby because God had touched me in the most remarkable way. A week later I received the Holy Ghost just as it is described in Acts 2 and my life was completely and forever changed.
The second most amazing experience I have ever had (that I am willing to discuss here) was the birth of my granddaughter. I was invited to stay in the room (in a discreet location behind the head of the hospital bed) as she made her entrance. That changed me almost as much as receiving the Holy Ghost.
Yes, I got out of Britain and saw the world.
I used to be (in my opinion) a ned or as the english say, a chav. I drove a suped up Citroen Saxo, had a shitty job at a shitty bank, had a bleach blonde girlfriend and was full of my own self importance. Weekends were spent mindlessly boozing and spending time with people who were no good.
After travelling round Japan, then Australia, then later the the world, I've come to realise how much of an idiot I was. I've used my degree, I've got an intelligent thoughtful girlfriend, I drive a small car, I have plans to keep travelling and to experience other cultures and soak up what they have to offer, I work hard (I like to think). I'm 28 and I'm now the MD of my own global company.
Yes I'm pleased, and I owe it all to a plane ticket to Tokyo.
One or two things have been memorable to say the least. Some good and some quite bad
Meeting and marrying my wife and having my children and the like will always be fundamentally the most important things in my life
Things that have changed my whole outlook are different but the single biggest thing that made me look at life differently was sadly loosing my mother in law and I would respect no jokes. Over and above my wife she was the closest friend in my life and loosing her %26quot;before her time%26quot; made me think about how short our time is.
I now try to respect each day and enjoy things as much as possible. I try to do some of the %26quot;dreams%26quot; that we all have and I know that I will not be able to do them all. I'll need to live well beyond about 150 years to do everything. That said I would like to look back when I'm old and grey that I did as much as I could and not %26quot;WOOSH!!! that was my life gone.
I enjoy my wife my family and every day that comes. I'm not a religious person but I do believe in nature and it's force.
I can't possible say that I am glad it happened as you ask but as it had and I was not able to change that event I am glad that out of it I was able to appreciate everything that I have in life. I would hope that I have a good thirty plus years ahead of me and I will do my best to stay as healthy as I can and enjoy all of the years nature lets me have. I will always miss my Mum in law but I will also always look after her daughter, grand daughter and great grand children that she never had the chance to see.
On that cheery note I shall wish you the very best in all you do and hope that you enjoy it to the full
travelling the world - you come back at peace and with great confidence
I got sober in 2002 with the help of Alcoholics Anonymous, it has changed my outlook profoundly and yes I'm so pleased it happened, leading a normal life or ending up on a park bench? There is no contest. Peace to y'all x
Well, I must say that reading those answers above is a life changing experience itself! Thank you for the question that made those people to open up a bit of their remarkable stories.
You know sometimes something happening in a very ordinary day, when the sun shines as usual and clouds run as usual, and people rushing around as usual, and everything seems to be in peace, and then at same point you are realising that this %26quot;normal%26quot;, ordinary day you are going to remember all your life by minutes. It's incredible that something that happened to you when you were a little child or like 50 years ago, is then - %26quot;like it was yesterday%26quot;! I remember the day my parents told me they were going to divorce (and that they both will always love me so much, and that it was not a big deal, just my father was not going to live with us any more, that I was a big girl - 9 at that time- and should just take it as it was) . They were not convincing for me.
My whole world was ruined in one sunny day, I still remember everything I did on that day from the very morning - like it was yesterday. it was life changing, it was growing up in one day, it was that woman creating - the woman I am now, everything that's been afterwards began that day. On that day I understood that you can be left by everyone in the world, if for your own parents there were something (or someone) more important then myself. You can laugh at me now, but I guess I would never in my life have a relationship with a married man - just because I remember those tears of a 9 year old girl who hated the women, that took her father away from her, more then anything in the world. I just don't want to be hated that much by the hurt child.
Getting muggged walking home from work.
Made me realise that there is (slightly) more to life than work. If i hadn't been working late, it wouldn't have happened.
I was kicked and threatened, and my attacker tried to drag me into a wooded area at the side of a well lit main road at 10pm in the summer. I thought I was going to die, so when I managed to break free and run home (literally 3 minutes away) I felt like a survivor. That year my grandmother died, I left a long term relationship, and risked everything that I had on a business idea. Strangely enough, being mugged wasn't such a big deal at the time, because months before that I'd had a much harder time, and while everyone was supportive about the mugging which I didn't need, they didn't know what I'd been through 6 months earlier when I'd come very close to losing everything that I had.
I met and married the most wonderful man in the world. He helped me to discover the real me, to become a better person and to live each day at a time and cherish each moment. He has taught me so much and does'nt even know it.
I now believe that the past is history, tomorrows a mystery, todays a gift and that's way it called the present.
Yes made a friend a few months back, I only thought I knew about friendship, this person just blew my mind, always there when I need them, do anything to help me, loyal, kind, what more can I say!!! Steady as a rock!!
Kinda sorta something like that! My 'rents got a divorce!