Friday, 7 October 2011

Have you ever had any really deep thoughts that just changed your life?

Have you ever had a really deep thoughts about family or life that have changed your mind about everything?
Have you ever had any really deep thoughts that just changed your life?
look up Joe Rogan's videos on human existence and DMT.
Have you ever had any really deep thoughts that just changed your life?
Yes I definitely have. Recently, one of my closest friends said something (and i think he was only kidding) that really got me thinking about who I am and the way I act. Everyone has these thoughts from time to time and you should pay attention to them and learn from them
yes, i had few weeks ago. I used to listen to songs that goes with whatever mood i am in. like when i am sad i would listen to sad songs to fed the sadness ego i would feel like that for weeks and few weeks ago, everything changed, i decided that i will not fed sadness ego by going alone with it. that i can do the opposite my listening to songs that make me feel good instead and ever since i did that and feel good when sadness approaching, i have been making new friends, i feel more in peace, happier.

I used to be a loner and i am kind of still a loner but with my inner changes of positive attitude for my own sake, i see more friendly faces, and making new friends and having the motivations to go out on group events just for the hell of it and they are turning out pretty good for me and i am planning stay this way for good. after many years of sadness, i found the secret to happiness for me and it's accepting what i have and what i want and don't have yet. Accepting what is and let it happiness be and letting sadness be it's self without me getting myself involve in it and being part of it just because it's present.
Yes. 8 years ago or so when I was driving home from a college class, I had a completely mind-changing thought process. For whatever reason I was thinking of the subject, I came to the realization that there is absolutely nothing wrong with people being homosexual. All my life up to that point I'd been fairly homophobic. On that day driving home something clicked in my mind that made me realize that when a person falls in love with someone of the same gender, it has nothing to do with what's between their legs but with what's in their heart; they love the person, not the genitals. After that point I became absolutely tolerant and accepting of people of other sexualities. It was a life changing moment that opened my mind and I'm quite proud of it.
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