I realised recently that when I looked back on the person I was 3 years ago, I've totally changed. My life changing moment was when I overcame depression, let down all my guards and went out on my own, with nothing to lose and everything to gain. Three years on, I am so happy, and completely love me and my life. I will never go back to the timid, scared over analyser I used to be. What was your life changing moment?
Hi all! Just out of curiosity, your life changing moment?
In a rice paddy in Vietnam, pinned down by heavy fire and knowing was about to die.
At that moment I knew that I would never see my wife or children again.
All was lost, Hope abandoned.
The Air Force sent in Puff the magic Dragon and turned the tide of humanity that was shooting us to pieces.
Seven good men walked out of that rice paddy that night and all of our lives were forever changed.
Hi all! Just out of curiosity, your life changing moment?
2 years ago, I used to be all happy-go-lucky and smiley. Now things have become darker for me, so my life-changing moment was a negative thing.
Hopefully I'm allowed to have another one for the better.
Mine was the birth of my first child 27 yrs. ago. After having someone to take care of,I put most of my own fears and such aside.
I have had lots of life changing moments that have gradually increased my quality of life and have become a better person. Learning how to trust, learning to accept what I cannot change, learning that if you don't give yourself credit no one will - to name a few.
But most importantly - I like to believe my biggest life changing moments are yet to come.