Push yourself to do just one or two things every week that you wouldn't normally do.
For example, if you normally don't go out on a weeknight, go out and have a good time!
If you normally wouldn't dream of chatting somebody up that you like the look of, dare yourself to do it! It doesn't matter what the outcome is, the fact is you'll grow used to pushing yourself and then find your life is more exciting as a result!
How do you create excitement in your life, are there any life changing tips out there?
marry him and have a family
How do you create excitement in your life, are there any life changing tips out there?
I would say the best way to create excitement is to try new things.. take up a hobby, start exercising ... change something in your life for the better... Exercise has really changed my life particularly running.. I love it and nothing else can relieve my stress as well as that..
Stand in a bowl of water and stick your fingers in a plug.
do something new or different every month
visit somewhere new or different every month
take every chance to chat to new people
join a club, group or society of something that interests you
do a fun college evening class
watch less tv.
go for a walk in your local area, discover your local history
Don't say %26quot;no%26quot; to anything. Take every opportunity that life throws at you. You'd be surprised at the results. Stay positive. It really works..........
Try everything once except bestiality and country dancing.
My tip.... if there is something you have always wanted to do that will add excitement and/or change your life, like a career change, having kids (mine is to sail round the world) just do it. If you think you ought to wait til you're ready, I can guarantee you will never be 100% ready and you will end up never doing it!!
1) change in your career
2) bf/gf
3) hobby - paint, cycle, puzzles etc
4) socialise - go out somewhere different every week
5) change your image, maybe a new and different hair cut that u would never usually do. surprise yourself!! :)
You have to go out there and find it. It won't come to you. Have you not heard that %26quot;like attracts like%26quot;. Be an outgoing, conversationalist and go where the people are. Find groups you have an interest in and go to them. Work in a people oriented business and you will meet all kinds of people. But ya gotta get out there and do it. It will come to you. Be open and receptive.Good luck.
travel....a continuous change