i need some tips i am bored of my daily routine %26amp; need change in my life %26amp; suggestions of simple thing to start doing on my own to get me to change e.g. activities/hobbies etc %26amp; i want to start doing this things on my own as a lot of my friends are in relationships %26amp; others i just want to distance myself from for a while, while i am changing my life.
How do you change your life?
Start small. Pick only a few things to change, and then every time one of them presented themselves to you, think twice before you react or behave. The key here is is NOT react or behave the same as you always do. Pretty soon, you will create NEW habits and it won't take much thinking about them. This is what I did and it worked well. I now am improving my self and my personality daily keeping to just a few.....
Pick hobbies, or activities, or clubs, or w/e that you want to learn about to make them interesting and keeping your attention. It would be kinda boring if you already knew all about them wouldn't it? Choose new friends while you %26quot;wean%26quot; out your old ones. I have changed friends while I was improving my personality many times throughout my life. It does take alot of work tho-so be prepared to stick to your guns with yourself, do not give in. EGO is a strong phenomenon but can be overcome. Choose your behavior according to THE system of right and wrong and life's little issue that are sometimes thrown at us become easier to deal with and resolve.
How do you change your life?
I did this too, and I believe I've definitely changed. I started learning an instrument, studying music, and making some (reachable goals) and I got a new role model. I feel.....different, in a good way. Im not as naive as I used to be, im not as oblivious to the world around me anymore, and Im still finding out who I am, and learning my place in the world, which is good. Like the others have already suggested, learn an instrument, play some sports, take up painting, anything! that can be kind of like you out time, where you escape the real world and indulge yourself in your hobby. Make goals so you can help progress yourself to change. Cut your hair, change your wardrobe, do something that you wouldn't normally do, it fells funny at first but great at the same time. Try these things and you'll slowly start to feel, better, stronger...different. But the best thing is, the outlook on life you'll have once you've changed. It's exhilarating!
Good luck. :)
I was exactlty at your spot.
First start playing a sport. Learn any music instrument you like. Do activites what your inner self wants to do.. Do a part time job ( it really grows your confidence )
Wake up early in the morning, have a healthy life style. Do some personality devolopment courses. ( i reccommend doing 'Landmark forums%26quot; ( look it up google )
For hobbies i really enjoy doing photography, reading a book, playing play-station.
Also start doing yoga.. it really helps you out.
I found my sense of fullfliment in life through my faith. Best life change i ever made because as a chirstian you go from doing things that fulfill you for a moment or two to living a life of meaing and purpose thanks to the love and grace of jesus chirst. Maybe as part of your life changing experience by yourself a bible - what have you got to lose?
learsn guitar, that is my life an i love it i HIGHLY recomend it
well... i started secretly video taping my neighbors