You have just invented the %26quot;Perpetual Motion Machine%26quot;. It is small and compact but it is very strong. You've hooked it up to an electric generator and found that it can make more electricity that a gasoline powered generator. Your perpetual motion machine runs clean and doesn't use any fuels and it doesn't produce any exhaust, so it doesn't hurt the environment.
Your invention is used to power cars, boats, homes, business, everything. There is a death warrant out on you from every oil producing middle eastern country and the state of Texas. You can make your machine for under $50 and sell each unit for $1,000. It is projected that you will earn over $500 billion dollars in the first 5 years. You build a house near Bill Gates and he calls you his %26quot;rich neighbor%26quot;.
Think before you answer, then tell me, how would you change your life?
How would this change your life?
Well, that's not quite the way it happened. I sold out my invention to the oil companies, and I still have more money than I know what to do with. Have I changed? Yes, I guess I have. I used to tell whoppers, but not any more. There just doesn't seem any point to it these days. I found out that truth is so much stranger than fiction.
How would this change your life?
It wouldn't. I'd still be the same old me.
I would have to bring my whole family with me, because being close to family is important. I think I would definitely be giving a lot, to my church, my family, and everyone in need that I know =)
You would get killed quickly so I should say that the change would be total. No oil producing country would let you do this to their industry. In fact, there probably already is a %26quot;Perpetual Motion Machine%26quot; but some government somewhere is keeping it under raps.
Your family would also be killed, just in case. Your home would be destroyed by a mystery fire which is what killed your family. You were knocked down by a car that drove off after checking that you were really dead. Your identity and assets, and those of your nearest and dearest, would be %26quot;erased%26quot;.
No one would remember you and no one would miss you either.
Change your appearance as radically as you can. Change your life style so its not traceable to you. Have your money deposited into an account you can get money from that can't be traced to you (how you do that I don't know. I would remember that there is poverty in this world and instead of building a house next to Bill Gates i would travel around and I would make sure at least 80 percent of my money went to children in Kenya living on garbage heaps and anywhere else there is severe poverty. And as my perpetual motion machine took away power from some of the corporate w------ in the world I would do my best to get them out of govt. and make the military everywhere that they make money off of shrink and shrink and shrink.