Wednesday, 21 September 2011

How has being a Christian changed your life for the better?

How has being a Christian changed your life for the better?

I know it has changed my life for the better. When I was an atheist I was drinking like a fish, smoking drugs, getting into fights having sex with girls all the time, and stealing.

But then I was 18 and I turned too the light and I'm not a hopeless drunk that smokes hash and is looking for a fight or sleeping around with girls I didn't know from the bar.

Being a Christian I give monet too world vision, volunteer at soup kitchens, donate blood, walk for cancer.
How has being a Christian changed your life for the better?
Ok- I can not tell if you are being sarcastic or not- though I assume you are- if not I apologize- but being a Christian has changed me alot- though it took a lot of time- years and I am still working on it. I used to be very angry, full of self pity and pride. I became a Christian and didn't see the %26quot;instant change%26quot; I was expecting. Then I got into a good church- learned more- and was slowly moved by the Holy Spirit. Today I am so SO different than I was- and yet I am still a work in progress!

I am happy- I love to help people- with my money- my time- I pray constantly. I am so much happier. If I come to an impossible situtuation I pray and God see's me through it-- not always the way I want Him to- but always for the better!
How has being a Christian changed your life for the better?
That's nice!

Becoming a christian definitely helped you out, but alot of athiests also help out the community in the same way, you don't have to be a christian. christianity certainly does help teach good morals though
I used to be addicted to drugs, money, I was on my way to death from cancer. God changed everything for me. I am a completely different person with health and joy beyond words. The old things I used to do have I have no desire for anymore. I tried to get off drugs myself and got very sick many times, but when I asked God for help I went off of them the next day and never felt a thing.

If you forget about your own ambitions and put Him first He gives you more than you could have ever dreamed! God bless you
just concentrate on your future hope you are changed
I'm not 'Istian, mon. I be 'agan.
When I was atheist.......very funny. Lying for jesus.
Actually, becoming a non-Christian changed my life. I grew up wondering how all these miracles could have happened. When I was eight years old, I found the Bible unbelievable. As I grew older, I figured out that Christianity was made up by men in order to subjugate other men. I found that God was innate within us all. Every child knows right from wrong.

No matter your deniomination, you are a Catholic. All Christian religions get their beliefs from Papists. If you can't abide the Catholic religion, then you should question everything about your own denomination. King James was written as a deliberate ruse. When that edition was written, 'thee' and 'thou' and many other words were no longer used. It was written in an older style English to give it credibility. As a religious text, it has no value. It is entirely fabricated.

No book ever writen should dictate your relationship to God. Albert Einstein said that the more he learned about physics, the closer he comes to knowing the mind of God.

Throw away your books and sit in a field of wildflowers; you will know more about God than all of your study of man-made books.