Like up above.
I'm about to get mine and I was just wondering how your life changes, socially and anyway else after you get it?
How does getting your drivers license change your life as a teen?
Not really besides you're parents not having to take you to places you need to go. I mean sure you could drive your friends after a year but big deal. You end up having to run errands for your family though since you can now pick up things from the grocery store so be prepared to help around the house by doing stuff like that and taking siblings to where they need to go.
How does getting your drivers license change your life as a teen?
Well all of your friends will want rides everywhere! hehe
You will have a lot more freedom.
Think about it, if your at home and you think %26quot;gee I'd really like some Rita's Water Ice right now%26quot; instead of having to call someone or waiting until your parents can take you, now you can go get it yourself!
You will no longer have to depend on your parents scheduels for planning your life. You can work more places, go more places.
One of my fave things to do when I got my license was just to drive and drive around all the back roads with my friends listening to music. We found some pretty cool places that way.
Also makes dating easier! Now you can pick your date up and go wherever you want!
Have fun and remember to drive safe!