Why did you take steps to change your life and why?How did you manage your situation?What was your outcome?
What steps did you take to change your life?
The biggest change that I made in my life was admitting that I needed help to deal with the situations that had happened in my life. I was a sick child, I was abused sexually at nine and than raped when I was a little older, dealing with having a severe learning disability when little was known about them, having two brothers die before I was 14 and having 3 surgeries by the time I was 12 the first one at 4 months while at the same time dealing with a very very rare blood disorder. I had to realize that I couldn't handle all of that by my self and to allow my self to trust someone to be there for me and to be able to help me at several times when I was in desperate need. It's made a heck of a differnce in my life even though it was and has been hard for me to do. I've been treated for depression since I was 9 and I'll be 54 this year. So for most of my life I've dealt with different medical, psycholoigical and learning issues. I would never have made it this far with out the help of various thearpist though out my life. What was the out come, Life isn't perfect but I have three daughter's who are all doing well and I have someone in my life that I love very much and who loves me. I have some place to live and enough money for the most part to do what I need to do. So life is good.
What steps did you take to change your life?
I kept the things liked and slowly changed the things I didn't. I am no angel but I can look at myself in the mirror and at least know I am working for being a better person day by day.
I had to do two things: quit drinking and using drugs, and address my relationship problems. The first is pretty self-explanatory, and I had to develop a sober support system to stay clean. The second one was much harder. I stopped dating for over two years and worked on my self-esteem and my self-image, until I felt I understood myself better. This was only the start of the relationship changes. Because of these two major decisions, my life has changed in a phenomenal way over the last 24 years.
change of career path