Friday, 16 September 2011

How has Gratitude changed your life?

I have recently made a more conscious effort to be grateful for all that is. As a result, after years of struggling with depression, the overall quality of my life is improving remarkably. I'm finding meaning and purpose I never previously had.

Please share your experience with Gratitude. I'm not so concerned with WHAT you are thankful for. I'm sure your list is endless. How has your life changed as a result of your thankfulness?

Thank you for your response.
How has Gratitude changed your life?
When I am grateful for what I have, I am not envious of others or discontent
How has Gratitude changed your life?
I have two kinds of Gratitude. The first kind, a more overall all-pervading thankfulness, enriches my life as I see beauty in mundane occurrences and beauty in Nature. This type of Gratitude increases my mindfulness and makes my Path clearer.

The second kind of Gratitude is a forced thing. Being reminded to be Grateful when I am already for material sustenance can be tiring. I am always thankful for what people provide and I hope I show it by the work I do in return and my words of Gratitude. I show appreciation freely, but then when that is not enough and things must be repeated ad nauseum the Gratitude is diminished.