Is there something that you had gone through that you thought you'd never get through? Yet you did and found incredible strength which changed your life forever?
What's the worst thing you had to encounter in your life and how has it changed you for the better?
when i was 15 or 16 or maybe 151/2 but between this two my mother hit me as hard as she could in the mouth with the but end of a 357 mag. gun and chipped my tooth my lip bleed a little bit then she wrote me a check for 500.00 to get a gold grown on it well two months ago i was driving down the street and i was like my teeth really hurt so i touched it my gold fell in my hand and it had my tooth in side of it and i looked in the car mirror my tooth was rotten and decayed and stanked really bad i went to emergency dentist apt and the removed the rest of that rotten tooth for Christmas i went to my mom house for dinner even thought i got a flipper tooth in the place of what she did to me i wanted her to see what and how she changed my life because she got angry she was hugging me and talking and i smiled at her she stop talking and said what happen to your tooth i felt good answering her question too i said you happened to me when you hit me in the mouth with that gun instead of getting me a porcelain crown you got a gold grown and it rotten out my tooth but its OK i forgive you at least i am not dead this the worst and best thing to happen to me what if that gun would have fired and a stray bullet killed me this has taught me forgive and forget and don't hold malice let it go i hope this has helped you because it is true
What's the worst thing you had to encounter in your life and how has it changed you for the better?
My mom passed away when I was only 6 from cancer. I then ended up having a stepmom with which things ended up not working out. She left, and I had to move to another country, leaving behind everything I knew. I'm very independent, and I have learned to rely on my faith in God. I think that I would be a very different person if these things hadn't happened :) As perverse as it may seem, I am thankful for the hardships! They have molded me into something better! :)
falling for this guy and then feeling heartbreak
learning to cope.
changed my view on guys. alot.
my first love i guess ..
for me it was the years of abuse...people stole my inocense yes, but each and every day im still getting over it, but it has made me a stronger has challenged me on so many levals (faith, beliefs, self-hatred, and so many more) but now i hav experience that i would NEVER wish upon someone ever, but the truth is it happens everyday to someone and i cant go back in time to change it so i take it with me you could say--as an experience that can help me relate to others in similar situations.----we must ALL make the best of our %26quot;worst%26quot; encounters in life and fight to overcome them so they dont end up controlling us!!!
Getting away from my abusive husband of 12 years having
the strength to call the police and admit this was not normal
and the minute he was out of home it was a relief
I was granted 1 year restraining order and am happier
than I have been in years
I have watched several programs on abused women and can
understand why they do not leave
I was afraid for my LIFE and one day I had it.
I am going thru the hardest time now as he has a pricey $$
attorney I have none and do not qualify for free legal help
as I have to live with my mother and her income is counted
against me. I have called all attorneys in phone book for
reduced rates and nothing. His attorney sent me a 20 page
packet of questions that I got in mail on 12*24*07
nice huh? We have a home with Zero Equity, loans totaling
25,000. and he wants to know what gifts I have recieved from
anyone in the past 12 years plus all my doctors notes
I am disabled/ anyway besides this stress I do have
my mental freedom and that is a good thing.