Travel has had a huge impact on me before, opening my eyes and changing my perspective. Some places I've been have affected me more than others. Where have you been that has changed you and how?
How has one place you've traveled to changed your life?
Well I haven't been there but the contry of Egypt change me. I fell in love with it. The story and everything. And it's a love witch has lasted 4 about 4-5 years now. (I'm 16). If it's a contry I am going to see before I live this world it has to be Egypt.
How has one place you've traveled to changed your life?
i dont have the money to travel.
i know this my sound dumb but i went to alabama %26amp; it is not as hilibillie as people say. it tells me u shouldnt judge a group of people because where there live because its not who they r.
going to africa changed me into a different person. once you go to africa and see all the kids and families with nothing: no food, no clothing,nothing. once i got back to california, i gavbe donations, and i appreciated what i actually had in life. i started to use my money more wisely and i appreciated everything around me.
mexico it opened my eyes to fierworks that are the size of my head and billards clubs everywhere i husled my share
Going to Las Vegas has changed me alot, ever since I got back. Now I'm broke and have credit card debt that is out of this world. I guess you could say that San Francisco did the same thing! Yep, it changed my life alright!
last week,went to laos for the day,very interesting,most of the people speak french,it takes about an hour to get across the thai -laos border,to much paperwork.i would visit again but fly into vientiene which is the capital and stay for a couple of days
A trip to mexico had a profound effect on me. I saw people who had very little in the way of material things who were happy to have what little they did have. Their joy came from their families and sharing what they have with others and you see what's really important in life. I have come to see you need little in the way of %26quot;stuff%26quot; to make you happy, just basic needs, family and God.
Hue Vietnam. I fell in love with the culture, food, and people. I am now married to a lovely Hue woman and we have wonderful little girl. Traveling can change your life. Cheers