Saturday, 24 September 2011

Waste management: How much would it change your life to revert to a lifestyle with little/no waste?

How much would it change your life to stop using disposable things? Do you think that change would be worth it? Could as United State citizens we could go back to shopping at the general store with cloth flour sacks? Or canning our fresh veggies for the winter? We even have mega freezers that could freeze provisions for longer storage. What about eliminating cars? Could we even begin to use horse and buggy again, or do you think we couldn't hack all the hard work that goes into that?

What do you think?
Waste management: How much would it change your life to revert to a lifestyle with little/no waste?
you can hardly go back to non polluting ways as industries in general DO NOT care about enviroment. no matter what they say they don't care. the biggest problem is packaging. almost everything you buy is in a throw away pack. plastic can be recycled but will never be as good for enviroment as paper, cardboard, glass packaging. i buy my soda pop in wisconsin in 7 ounce returnable bottles. a rare sight nowadays. i also try to buy milk in paper cartons as i will compost itself easily and the milk tastes so much better in paper containers. look at all the crap walmart sells and 99% of it is in sealed plastic. the junk comes from china and the only way to get it from that far away in one piece is to seal it up like that. a box would not stay together with all the movement enroute. tons of garbage is here to stay because of the packaging industry and outsourcing.
Waste management: How much would it change your life to revert to a lifestyle with little/no waste?
I do not know about you, but I don't think I could drive a horse and buggy 23 miles and get to work on time every day. Besides I do not have a place for one on my little bit of property. As for the other things you mentioned, I am gone by 6:45am and do not get home until 7:00 pm every night. I do not think I would feel much like canning or freezing vegetables after the hard day I have every day. I barely feel like dragging my tired body into the grocery store to shop for the things I need.
hussssssh??? i will not go back to the past way,and riding a horse in hours from my office to my home,or home to office. it so tired you know,,
I wouldn't mind the work and caning and all that but there are so many people in the world today and if they all had a horse could you imagine how much horse turds there would be . Not only that look how much land it would take to grow hay and what ever a ells horse needs to survive like an aria to run around wile your not using it . Its not like a car that you park in one spot for days on end. I think we had better come up with a good clean energy source
I swear you people, if you want to travel back in time by all means be my guest. You could assimilate into an Amish community and make your dreams come true! I'll keep living the lifestyle I have now and you go ahead and take a few steps backwards if you want, ok?
We will never go back to the time, when men where men.

That is a given, most people couldn't handle it.

Even some of the hardest workers around that are crying about everyone else not wanting to work would be made to look like loafers in those times.

but there is no need for such extremes anyway.

learning to recycle waste to make energy, and use microorganisms to remediate pollution caused by farming and other industries would greatly improve the situation.

we are working on those things now.
here is what I think;鈥?/a>;鈥?/a>;鈥?/a>

Here is a list with something for everybody

Everybody is different with different lives here are a 101 Ways To Live More Ecologically,may be you find something that applies to you

1. Avoid disposable in favor of reusable


2. Avoid drying rags in a clothes dryer.

3. Avoid power appliances when handpower works.

4. Avoid highly processed foods.

5. Avoid using styrofoam鈥攊t can't be recycled.

6. Avoid watering driveways and sidewalks.

7. Be responsible and creative with leftover foods.

8. Buy in bulk goods to reduce wasted packaging.

9. Buy energy efficient electric appliances.

10. Buy foods without additives.

11. Buy foods without preservatives.

12. Buy food and goods from sources you trust

13. Buy large quantities to reduce shopping trips.

14. Buy living Christmas trees.

15. Buy locally grown food and produce.

16. Buy organic, pesticide-free foods.

17. Compost your food scraps.

18. Discover and protect watersheds in your area,

19. Don't burn trash or other smoky materials.

20. Drain cooking grease onto paper bags, not paper towels.

21. Drive a fuel-efficient car.

22. Drive less: walk, bicycle, carpooland use public transportation.

23. Eat foods low on the food chain; avoid meat.

24. Eat more natural, nutritious foods.

25. Educate elected representatives on ecology.

26. Exercise regularly.

27. Explore and learn about your bioregion.

28. Grow your own food, even a small amount.

29. Hang dry some or all of your clothes.

30. Heat your home less and wear warmer clothes.

31. Heat your home more with renewable energies.

32. Hold a potluck dinner to discuss local ecology.

33. If you use a dishwasher, turn off the drying cycle.

34. Install a water-conserving device in your toilets.

35. Install a water-conserving showerhead.

36. Insulate your home to maximum efficiency.

37. Invest for social responsibility as well as profit.

38. Invest in solar power, where practical.

39. Invest in well-made, long-lived clothing.

40. Keep hazardous chemicals in safe containers.

41. Keep appliance motors well adjusted for efficiency.

42. Mend and repair rather than discard and replace.

43. Oppose meddling in ecological balance.

44. Oppose private development of special areas.

45. Oppose roadside use of defoliants.

46. Organize or join a neighborhood toy exchange.

47. Pick up litter along streets and highways.

48. Plant native trees and shrubs around your home.

49. Plant trees throughout your community.

50. Plant your living Christmas tree.

51. Practice preventive health care.

52. Practice responsible family planning.

53. Prepare only as much food as will be eaten.

54. Protect your favorite distinctive natural areas.

55. Purchase goods in reusable/recyclable containers.

56. Put a catalytic converter on your wood stove.

57. Put toxic substances out of reach of children.

58. Recycle aluminum.

59. Recycle glass.

60. Recycle newspaper.

61. Recycle old clothes.

62. Recycle plastic.

63. Recycle used motor oil.

64. Recycle your unneeded items.

65. Re-use paper bags.

66. Re-use plastic bags for storage and waste.

67. Save up for full loads in clothes washers.

68. Save up for full loads in dishwasher.

69. Shop by phone, then go pick up your purchases.

70. Speak out about your values in community groups.

71. Support efficient energy sources in your bioregion.

72. Support elected representatives on ecological issues.

73. Support energy conservation in your bioregion.

74. Support global ecological improvement efforts.

75. Support local credit unions.

76. Support local merchants before large chains.

77. Support neighborhood food cooperatives.

78. Support proper waste water and sewage treatment.

79. Support the cultural diversity in your bioregion.

80. Support the plants and animals in your community.

81. Take shorter showers.

82. Teach your children ecological wisdom.

83. Turn down the thermostat on your water heater.

84. Turn off the lights when not needed.

85. Turn off the water while you brush your teeth.

86. Use biodegradable soaps and detergents.

87. Use cloth diapers.

88. Use cloth table napkins.

89. Use less tapwater whenever possible.

90. Use non-toxic pest control.

91. Use only medications you trust/understand.

92. Use rags or towels instead of paper.

93. Use rechargeable batteries.

94. Use the second side of paper for scratch paper.

95. Use water from cooking vegetables to make soup.

96. Volunteer for work in a community garden.

97. Volunteer to maintain local parks and wilderness.

98. Wash clothes in cold water.

99. Wash dishes in still, not running water.

100. Weather-seal your home.

101. Work to unlearn poor ecological habits.鈥?/a>
perform ems 140001 (9001)
I think at least half the people could adapt to such a change in short order. We are far too disconnected with the natural world.

I would love to see more incentives in place to reduce our waste and to use our waste to produce a product we can use, such as municipal compost yards. We should also have more local farmers markets, free local busing in the heart of the city, and a tax put on products with excessive packaging. I love how Trader Joe's has a raffle for all the customers who use cloth bags. I've never won but I use my cloth bag almost every time I shop there?

Ixnay on the horse and buggy. I can do without the flies.