Friday, 16 September 2011

Your top 5 inspiring movies about changing your life?

Your top 5 inspiring movies about changing your life?
Titanic covers all 5 for me
Your top 5 inspiring movies about changing your life?
dangerous minds

the blind side

freedom writers

remember the titans

save the last dance
titanic, precious, the blind side, freedom writers, a walk to remember
Pay It Forward

Into The Wild

The Blind Side

Patch Adams

Life As A House
1. Freedom Writers

2. The Blind Side

3. The Last Song

4. The Time Traveler's Wife (IDK)

5. Titanic
1.Facing the Giants


3.Any movie with Kristen Stewart (The Cake Eaters is what inspired me to start making indie films)

4.A Walk to Remember

5.Pay it Forward
Never ending story 1 only, Shawshank Redemption, E.T.,District 9 and 1408.

Never ending story always remainded me to enjoy reading.

Shawshank Redemption showed me of the strenght of the human spirit.

E.T. Shows you that not all aliens maybe bad or out to destroy us,they maybe nice %26amp; friendly!

District 9. Shows us that aliens might need us some day,what will we do if that day comes?

1408.Scared the living s#*^% out of me %26amp; still does, excellently done! This movie has the cast %26amp; story to scare you real good!!!!Even if you don't beleive in ghosts!
The Pursuit of Happyness




Coach Carter
1. Rocky

2. The Miracle Worker

3. Dead Poets Society

4. An Officer and a Gentleman

5. The Karate Kid