Hi! I am 19 and in 3 months I will hopefully be a father. The mother is also 19. On being a young parent how has that changed your life. I know that when ever I see a baby now, I get very emotional and when ever I see it crying I feel like crying to to cause is so small and gentle. So what are some steps to take before the baby is born? Besides saving money?
How has becoming a parent changed your life?
Becoming a parent is one of the most satisfying, fulfilling and at times, challenging jobs you can take on. There is never a right or easy way of doing anything, as babies are individuals and respond to different things. However, I find that something happens when you become a parent, and your parental instincts will kick in and you will be surprised at how well you are coping.
You will have your moments, of utter tiredness and doubts but that is to be expected, there is always people wanting to help you, whether it is family or friends!
You will be constantly challenged and worried about everything that is to do with them but that is really nothing compared to the love, joy and happiness that they bring to your lives, you will think, how did I cope without them before!
I think the best advice is to read as many books and stories and rely on family and friends and try to rest when your little one is sleeping and remember that you still need a little time for yourself.
Enjoy every minute as time flies by so quickly. Good luck and all the best!
How has becoming a parent changed your life?
Jorge, emotional and physical preparation is most important.
(financial stability is important, but if you dont prepare yourself mentally, you will not able to provide and support your new family member financially)...
you just need to keep in mind, that a baby is A FULL TIME JOB, PLUS MANY OVERTIME HOURS, believe me.
they need your constant presence, cuddles, love, affection, feeding, bathing, playing with... etc...
its the best thing in the world.
i got married at 21, and had my son at 22, and before that, i was a young, fun, going out %26quot;girl%26quot;, who didnt have any responsibility what so ever.
SO, you need to know, that the %26quot;fun and games%26quot; are over... and that this little baby will depend on you and your partner to make the right decisions for it and for you guys as a family...
good luck
your usually routine activities will be sumed down to nothing. here is an example
me=art (my life)
i was always doing artwork, crafts, sewing. after i had my baby, i couldn't do it anymore, it drove me crazy because i had no time for myself. i couldn't take long showers when my boyfriend wasn't home, if your starving, your baby (when a few months older) will smell the food and want to eat first, so you have to feed them before yourself. i would start practicing on easy up on your activities that you do so you won't feel so deprived of it. you also get very emotional of movies about children on tv too more than you did before. i would definetly recommend table food grinded up for the baby when he/she is old enough to eat, it is alot cheaper than babyfood and its tastier. good luck. you will cry at your baby's first everything, first smile, giggle etc.
also i highly recommend the mother breastfeeding, because i formula fed and it got unbelievable expensive as she got older. good start supreme formula is around 15 dollars and last about a week with a newborn, as they get older the can only last for 3 days, then you have to buy another can.
I took parenting classes, read tons of parenting books, I got infant and child CPR certified, started asking around friends/family members who have kids for clothes and other supplies that I could buy off of them! Not only %26quot;saved%26quot; money but also came up with a plan on how much to spend each week-- x amount for bills, x amount for groceries, x amount for diapers, x amount for babies colleges fund and the rest in savings..
Since having kids I have became a better saver with money, worry a lot more, am over protective, happier, busier, better with time management, and the list goes on and on.
im 24 and 6 months pregnate with my 2nd baby. I am married and that i did at 19, so we can say i had a little bit of time to enjoy it before i got pregnate. You will feel emotions that you have never felt, and stronger than ever. Children are AMAZING! unless you were born into money the whole %26quot; financial%26quot; thing you will learn to work out. As a parent you will place your priorities diffrently therefore money shouldnt be an issue unless you %26quot;love video games and junk food%26quot;. Wants are put aside and needs take ouver. I wouldnt worry too much parenting is alot of trial and error and learn as you go. there are alot of books out there that cost alot of money, but the doctor your paying is sooooo much better! you and your baby's mom should talk to the doctor together about what to expect. Enjoy every minute of it!!!
Very important: You can not spoil a baby! Babys need to be held! Need to be loved and feel safe! Please dont fall into the %26quot; keeps crying because it's spoiled%26quot; a baby crying, is telling you something is wrong. change the diaper, feed him, burp him and comfort him because hunnie your all he will know for awhile! And he will LOVE you for it later!
I had my first baby at 24, after trying for 4yrs. If I had it to do over again I would have taken some classes to deal with emergencies. My first child is ADHD and no matter how closely I watched him he always managed to hurt himself simply because he couldn't sit still for a minute.
I read every parenting book I could get my hands on and asked older people in my family and friends what advice they had for me.
Having a baby definitely gave me a backbone, before I had kids I took a lot of crap. I was that nice person that everyone took advantage of, but once I had that little baby in my arms I became a completely different person. I had someone to protect that was totally dependent on me and I just couldn't be that %26quot;nice person%26quot; any more. I stood up for myself and my rights as a mother even when it offended certain people around me who thought they could step in and control me and still take advantage of me.
My oldest is almost a teenager now and I am so proud of myself for becoming the kind of strong (and patient) mom he needs.
You'll need a lot of patience to deal with your little bundle of joy. Just remember that he/she needs all the love you can give.
I lost my freedom to come and go as I wanted. My days were planned around my babies. I had to stop being a child and became a responsible adult. Do I miss the old days. Sometimes. But, I would not change a thing. My children, and now my grandchildren, bring me so much love and joy and I am very blessed to have them.
Make sure your relationship is secure and that you can afford to have a child. Have a full time job, a safe place to live, and a kind and loving relationship and your baby will have a great start. If you and your s/o do drugs or are heavy drinkers (and I'm not insinuating you are), please get help and quit before you decide to become pregnant. That's no life for a child.
Good luck and best wishes. Having a child is like no other experience in the world.
I'm 18 and I'll be having my son in just 4 weeks. It is very emotional to see a baby and start to cry just because you want your own so bad. The excitement of just holding him and keeping him safe and warm. It's a very good feeling. There's not a specific order you need to have things done but just get some done first before others like....registering at a hospital, lining up a pediatrician for the baby, having a birth plan. Then there's the other stuff. Diapers, clothes....the whole 9.
I do suggest childbirth classes and see if you can get them at the hospital you're having the baby at so you can get to know the facility better and their procedures.
When you look for a pediatrician, you have to meet with them well in advance in order to line up all the plans and procedures you want done. Kind of like interviewing to get to know them. Don't just settle for the first one either. You have to feel comfortable with that doctor.
Start buying diapers and wipes now. Man, you will run out of a pack of diapers in less than 9 hours. Honeychild, I'm still buying as much as I can. I suggest bulk sizes. 18 bux at wal-mart. Can't beat that. lol.
I hope that everything goes well with the 3 of you and good luck. I hope that some of my words have helped in any sort of way.
the only thing that changed for me is i'm more direct to people, and straight forward.
I never really changed person wise or anything like that but mainly because i waited til 30 and was financially able and we make very good money so i havent changed my spending habits or the way i live. I still go out and have fun, travel, shop, go to the spa, get myhair and nails done...if anything i shop more and even more for the baby. yes he gets what he wants and mom must always have what's in for the baby. I think if you have to change who you are then it will make u miserable and not you...you have to give all of you and who you are to your baby...and for me that is my life and my energy. I'm never going to be a person who thinks my kids have taken away things i used to do or want to do...i just work around it and keep going and also include them. I also don't have to put my kids in daycare so i get to spend so much more time with them since i'm financially ready.
and yes every emotion you thought you never have will come out but its the best feeling in the world to be a parent and you can only hope they will understand this one day and know how much you love them....
always have a support system cause you and mom will need a break...trust me.