Every day, every decision, is a life changing one. They do have varying degrees of how the decision may change my life but they all change it. The other day I decided to have chili, YUM, but do you really what to know how it changed my life.
Have you ever made a life-changing decision?If so,what was the decision and how did it change your life?
To quit an unhappy marriage and finally find the RIGHT partner.
I did, and it worked out just fine.
Moved from Europe to America
Have you ever made a life-changing decision?If so,what was the decision and how did it change your life?
Yes. To get married. I got married.
Probably more than once, but the biggest one was finally getting the courage to tell my cheating John Edwards like husband to get out of my house once and for all. It was a devastating decision because I never would have had kids if I knew my marriage was going to come to that. I felt sick with the hurt I caused them (still do to this day). I'm remarried now and realize what a real marriage is all about (and my kids, now adults, are doing great).
I did, i decided to move country, there were huge consequences i have to live with now and i regret ever going because it f**ked me up emotinally and i have never recoverd from it. So i dunno was it even worth it, on one hand if i had of stayed my life would of been very bad but by leaving its turned out just as bad, so i lost either way :(