Friday, 16 September 2011

How is your life changing?

If it is, that is ... but if it is not then what is the constant?

Thanks for sharing your valuable thoughts!
How is your life changing?
My vision or GOAL for my life is always constant. What is constantly changing are my tactics and strategy.

Thru out my life time I have been changing my action plan because of the problem besets me are dynamic in nature, they constantly changes. I could not possible use old technique for modern problem.

A good example of strategy is to adapt to the changes or new challenges, mind you adapting as a strategy is a great help in my journey. But because it have limitation. It will just not work all the time.
How is your life changing?
Life changes until it reaches the constant, fixed %26quot;Perfection%26quot;.

NO one can reach perfection, the souls, life and everylife is in constant change and movement conciously and unconciously seaking perfection %26quot;GODLIKE%26quot; state. Any scientist can see under his microscope that the tiniest bit (atom) in nature, creation is in constant movement, change in every aspect, way. that who has nothing to change is Perfect, is God, He changes and does not change. so our life is in constant change everytime we learn and advance our reality, until we reach a point we think it is the best we can attain, we can reach and ALL revolutions seak change to reach a perfect society , likewise we have our own inside revolutions to reach the perfect constant being and that is very hard.
I don't think you can say that anyone life isn't changing.... today isn't the same as yesterday and tomorrow will be different again. Each day you are a day older... even if you do the same things today that you did yesterday its still different. You are a day older for one thing! And when you do things today, you have yesterdays experiences under your belt. The only constant is change.
I'm 52 and I've been through the teens, twenties, thirties, forties, and now here I am. In terms of my core self I'm the same person I was in my twenties I would say. My likes and dislikes haven't really changed. What has changed is which ones of these likes and dislikes are IMPORTANT right now. As an example, when I was in my twenties I didn't worry much about choosing an occupation that made more money because retirement was a distant or non-existent thought. Consequently other likes and dislikes were at the top of the prioritiy list-cars, toys, late nights partying, etc. Now as my body wears out and I realize one day I'll have to slow down, the money thing and taking care of my health rise to the top of the list and some of the other things drop increasingly farther down.
My life is slowly, day-by-day changing. But of course I don't notice it then. It's only in retrospect that I can see how my life has changed over the years. The last five years have been the biggest change. Getting married, having a daughter, buying a house.....

The constant is the love God has for me and the love I have for my friends and family. =)
I'm learning how to love without needing to possess. Learning how to trust and how to be trustworthy. My children are growing up and one day will fly the nest, so I'm facing the thought of having what I've desired for so long: freedom to go wherever I want to go and to do whatever I please... I'm scared of that thought! Bring back the gilded cage! The constant - the love I have for my children, and the love they have for me. I am rich!
My life is changing, but I'm always sourrounded by constants. Of course that could change. ;)

Having a son changed my life... and continues to change it everyday, but the love that I have for him is constant and will always remain so no matter what changes come our way.
Well, I've had Crohn's since I was 3, but just recently had colorectal surgery to fix it. Hopefully that's a good change. I'm now 14, so I put up with it for 11 years, too long, until this opportunity came along.
The one %26quot;for sure%26quot;, in this experience is change. It is always %26quot;Now%26quot; and that does not change. To %26quot;BE%26quot; fully Present in the %26quot;Now', is to be free..Peace and Blessings.......
Is it possible for life not to change!? Alrighty then, here's one things that's constant:

My life never stops changing.
the only constantly changing thing is my age....



starting to see whats real and whats fake.

who to trust and who to leave.
its not....the hole i am in is getting bigger and bigger...AND I DON'T HAVE A FRIGGIN SHOVEL
being made redundant soon :(