Friday, 16 September 2011

Survey: Can you pinpoint a decision (for good or bad) that you made that changed your life dramatically?

I think I can pinpoint two major ones in my life, meaning life-changing ones.

What was/were the decision/s that changed your life, if you want to say?
Survey: Can you pinpoint a decision (for good or bad) that you made that changed your life dramatically?
October, 2009.

I met a person who was one of the biggest hypocrites I've ever known.

He seemed to have been born just to start trouble for people who had

the misfortune of meeting him. He's a compulsive liar, and backstabber.

I truly despised this S.O.B.

There was something more, though. I couldn't put my finger on what it was.

It wasn't until last October that I finally realized ~ OMG, I'm just like him!

That's a hard thing to realize about your own self, and harder to accept.

Since that time, I've been keeping my mouth shut ~ almost impossible, and

avoiding causing trouble. I don't know when I became such a horrible person!

Here's a twist, if I hadn't met my personality's twin, how long would I have

gone on like that without realizing what a monster I was? I actually think

it was a good thing that our paths crossed ~ despite all the misery he's

caused me . . . in fact, looking back on what I've typed about myself, I'd say

I deserved all the bad things he's done to me.

Whew! This world isn't big enough for so many evil doer's. I'm now part of

the good guys again, and hope I don't ever start slipping up.

Thanks for asking this question, and I hope my answer helps others.
Survey: Can you pinpoint a decision (for good or bad) that you made that changed your life dramatically?
2. Made a decision to turn my will and my life over to the care of God as I understand him.
For my career choice, I put passion and humanity ahead of money, and ended up doing well in all respects.