Friday, 16 September 2011

Your most defining, life changing experience?

How and where did it happen? How did it change your life? What was your life like before? Was it a spiritual experience? Or NDE? I wanna know it all. Be as detailed as possible. Thank you...
Your most defining, life changing experience?
Several years ago I had an unusual experience concerning an uncle, a distant relative who lived over a thousand miles away.

While driving my car I suddenly felt the unmistakable presence of this relative that I hardly even knew. He was more like someone I had heard about than someone I knew. It was very strange; it felt as though I was momentarily lifted right out of my physical body. I seemed to be suspended somehow beyond space and time, bathed in a love so intense It felt like I could have just disappear into it at any moment if It would have let me. It only lasted for a few seconds, but it seemed to last forever at the same time. I realize how crazy this must sound. The experience was so strong that at first I was afraid I was loosing my grip on reality. I finally managed to chalk it up to an over active imagination.

Three days later I got a call from my aunt telling me that this uncle we are talking about had gone into a coma and died the day I had the experience. It felt like ice water had been poured down my back when she told me this. I had lost any real ideas of God or faith and had become somewhat of an atheist. Needless to say this experience caused me to rethink some of the conclusions I had come to.

I feel blessed to now understand that even in our darkest confusion something loves us so much that it went out of its way to assist me and bring me back to a state of absolute certainty about Gods love for us.

During the experience it seemed like there was a vast amount of information that I was somehow allowed access to. One thing that I came away from this experience understanding beyond any shadow of a doubt was that any Idea that God is unhappy with us or would judge or allow us to be punished for any reason is simply impossible.

I can鈥檛 explain the love I felt with words. They simply don鈥檛 make words big enough or complete enough to do this. The only way I can begin to convey this love to you is to say that there was simply nothing else there. Nothing but love. No hint of judgment, no displeasure of any sort. It is as though God sees us as being as perfect as we were the day we were created. It is only in our confused idea of ourselves that we seem to have changed.

I hope this is of some help to you. Good luck. Love and blessings.

Your brother don
Your most defining, life changing experience?
In happened in a meadow after weeks of intense questioning in my woodland.

It changed my life by moving from ignorance to the beginning of understanding.

You want a book?
When my best friend tried to kill himself.

I honestly thought he was going to die that night.

He completally avoids the topic now, he acts like it never happened. But every time I look at him, all I can think of the look he gave me right before it happened. Or how young he had seemed. Or how frightened his eyes were.
My most life changing experience is when I finally realized that I didn't have to be sad, not everything has to be a struggle, and that I would rather live for my children so I can be there for them than die for them and have them be alone. I was in an abusive relationship, and I was almost convinced to give my life up for my children's happiness and his happiness. I was almost convinced that my life caused more pain then anything else, that my very existence was a warp in this supposed perfect bubble called life. I was almost convinced until I realized how important I really was. I'll never put so little value on life again.
Saturn return age 29 and 8 mos. Maybe it is Judgement Day. If it is, no one told me it might be predictable.

I was in my apt. I could not breathe. Maybe it was only mold poisoning.

It does not feel good to almost get obliterated. Who knows how, if it was technology God let it happen . .. .I had more faith before this since my whole life has been about trying to be perfect with my whole soul and then near obliteration-just doesn't make sense.
As I get older the question gets harder. I've lived through horrible accidents, friends dying, loss of family members, seen exotic lands and have done some really crazy stuff. But the biggest life changer was making a commitment to my wife. In that I discovered self virtue, it was a very personal thing.
My husband getting sent to war. He left in October to do a 6 month deployment to Kuwait and in December he knew he was going to war in Iraq but the American public had not been told yet so he had to talk to me like everything was fine and all was well. Before he left we were not very happy. He was very self centered and we have 2 kids he didn't pay much attention to and I was going to leave him. Then the war started and I spent months sitting in front of the TV crying my eyes out and hoping he would come home safe so we could fix our family. Then, after being extended for the 3rd time we, the wives, got called into a meeting discussing the changes our husbands have gone through. They had seen things that most people don't have to imagine and that changes a person. Not to mention the fact that they have killed men, women and children, some one purpose some not but that changes a person. For months they have been told not to feel anything and not to let anything affect them and now they are going to come home and rejoin their families and they might be disconnnected for a long time and they might be violent and they might be strangers to us. It was so scarry because all I wanted was him to be home and I hadn't thought about how the war had affected him but I knew how it had affected me. Luckily he came home with a deep appreciation for his family and his life and we just celebrated our 11th anniversary!
a militarey accident in 1989 where my friend and oen otehr was killed and i blame myself for thier deaths. about drank myself to death for 16 years, had a break down 2 yeas ago and im still depressd and dealing w it
The day I started having epileptic seizures. Where did it happen? At the High School gym, I was 14 years old, and my family was moving from the town after living there 7 years. This had to have totally changed my life from what it could have been like. It has been a very, very long, tough road. A road with fear of the uncontrollable nature of the illness, medication, doctors, surgery, driver's license restriction, divorce, struggle. No way can I possibly get into all the details of my life since that day in 1976 as I was having to say goodbye to my friends from school and had that first seizure. Today I am seizure-free but still take medication, had brain surgery, and live with my %26quot;handicap%26quot; for I still must be careful to not expose myself to circumstances or self-abuse that could cause them to re-emerge.

I have thought of writing a book about my life to help other people for I was dragged through the gammet to find a cure for me, to figure out what was out of whack and what was causing my illness. I have looked over books on how to write this down but it is overwhelming trying to organize the whole thing and reliving my experiences is painful.
My LSD experiences, but not because I %26quot;saw into other dimensions%26quot; or %26quot;made contact%26quot; or anything like that. It was earth shattering because it forced me to realize that my senses can, and do, lie to me. Just as the effects of LSD shifted parts of my vision, thoughts, etc. my normal daily perceptions of life are equally questionable, albeit more subtle. The most obvious example of this is the blind spot in our vision that is ever present, but obfuscated. Our thoughts and beliefs of the world are equally questionable because they come from those senses and no matter what we think, we will alway think we are right, even when we think we are wrong because we think we are right about the fact that we are wrong (everyone follow?)! We are like a fish in water. The fish doesn't really understand what water is, or that its there, it understands only how to move and how other things move. Likewise, we are submerged in Mind, and rarely do we notice it's perceptive filters, but they are ever present. It's made me realize that the only way to get to the real meat of Truth is to be vigilant in observation of myself (thoughts, emotions, actions, internal dialog, etc.), others, and the dynamics between %26quot;us%26quot;. And meditation...lots of that, heh ;)